March 27th, 2013
Honourable Madam Speaker:
Honourable Councillor Rachael Isaac Madinda
Honourable Councillor Chief Whip of the Ruling Party Councillor
Members of the Executive Mayoral Committee
Honourable Councillor whip of the official opposition Councillor
Xolani Madyo
Councillor Ma Plaatjie
Fellow Councillors
Acting Municipal Manager, Directors and Municipal Officials
Respected members of the Community in the gallary
My comrades from different levels
Members of media house Grocotts mail
Ladies and Gentlemen
Good Afternoon, molweni ngale mvakwemini
We are from our official opening of Council whose theme was “Focusing on Service Delivery imperatives and Preparing for Makana’s Future” “Ukugxala kwinkonzo zoluntu nokulungiselela ikamva le Makana” this is why my fellow councillors I spent 2 and half hours, we have done so much in a short space of time as this collective. We have managed to openly acknowledge our weakness and identified areas of strength, and where we need to improve. Thank you councillors for attending such an important event, it was very successful.
We are meeting towards the end of the important month of Human Rights, as we are all aware that the Human Rigth’s Month it’s about acknowledging those rights that are enshrined in our constitution, the cracks of this recognition it’s about respect and not discriminating against each other.
As I indicated in our official opening in our recent past we have witness number of brutal acts of crime in our communities and these acts needs to be condemned and ensure that we act against these inhuman activities. Our society today is a sick society imagine young person raping an old Gogo, in this month we have witnessed people being slotted. We should not be quite about these immoral activities, I appeal ward councillors when you hold your meetings make sure that we embark on multi-disciplinary approach where we partner with other stakeholders in fighting crime.
We should develop a plan that seeks to reduce the alcohol incidences of crime, improve law enforcement and begin to engage in a pro-active community policing through partnershipbased approach. This approach will be a move towards greater accountability, transparency and citizen participatory. Let us act against crime before it is too late.
Madam Speaker and Fellow Councillors it is our firm intension to ensure that our residents live and work in a society where every man, women, elderly, disabled person and child can live free, safe and secure.
One of the Items in this Special Council meeting Madam Speaker is the adoption of First Revision of our five year 2012-2017 IDP which is 2013-2014 and 012/13, 2013/14 and 2014/15 budgets. This is in line with Municipal System Act and Municipal Financial Management Act that 90 day before start of the new financial year that Council shall adopt the Draft IDP and Budget and for the next financial year.
IDP Review process:
Items of the Municipal System Act, Municipality shall develop guide or process plan to guide review process and consult the Community and stakeholders on new development priorities to be included in the revised IDP for the next financial year.
Process plan was adopted by Council in August 2012 and Consultation with Community was done in all wards except part of ward 4 and 1, in which two consultation meetings are planned for the 4-5th of April 2013.
The Municipal System Act, Municipal Financial Management Act also require us to Consult Community on the Service delivery project to be implemented and Budget for the next financial. That means Madam Speaker soon we will be embarking on IDP/Budget Road shows during the April Month 2013.
IDP Municipal Developmental Priorities:
Due to the new development priorities identified and review institutional analysis it is therefore proposed to have seven development prioritise instead of six adopted last. In the main would be to separating Rural Development and Support to Vulnerable group from Good Governance and Public Participation each one would stand alone.
That madam speaker would will have specific development objectives for Good Governance and Public Participation. Also madam speaker will have specific development objective for Rural Development that will show how serious is this council on rural development.
Proposed: Municipal Seven Priorities
• Development Priority No One: Basis Service Delivery and Infrastructure Development
• Development Priority No Two: Community Development and Social Cohesion
• Development Priority No Three: Local Economic Development
• Development Priority No Four: Institutional Development and Financial Development
• Development Priority No Five: Institutional Development and Financial Management
• Development Priority: Six Good Governance and Public Participation
• Development Priority Seven: Rural Development and support to vulnerable groups.
MEC Comments for last year IDP documents:
The report I received from MEC last year on the IDP assessment was not good with rating of medium, but better than 2010-2011 financial year which was rated low. What is indicated in the report is that there is gap on the information presented to MEC from us that is bad and must be corrected. I am also told that on the 20th of April 2013 the MEC would be doing the Assessment of the 2013-2014 IDP so please colleagues cooperate with IDP office, MM I would like to get progress on this before the IDP Document is sent to MEC office.
Ladies and gentlemen we should make our re-commit ourselves in serving our people. You can measure a leader by the problems he tackles meaning that as leaders we have to resolve peoples problems nothing else, in doing that we should ask ourselves are decision that we are taking befitting the poor of the poorest? From time to time we should ask ourselves that fundamental question so that we add value to the lives of our people.
I’m therefore Tabling DRAFT of First Revision of our five year 2012-2017 IDP for 2013-2014 and 12/13, 2013/14 and 2014/15 budgets for Council to ADOPTION.
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