Internal Audit and Risk Management Unit
Ms Chumisa Mtshazi
Manager Internal Audit
Tel: 046 603 6175
Fax: 046 622 9700
Internal Audit work is performed in compliancewith section 165 of the Municipal Finance
Management Act, International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, Definition of Internal Auditing, Code of Ethics, Practice Guide, Practice Advisories and Position Papers: |
•Developing the Institution’s risk managementframework including the:
(i) Risk management policy; (ii) Risk management strategy; (iii) Internal Audit; (iv) Risk management implementation plan; (v) Risk identification and assessment methodology; services the (vi) Risk appetite and tolerance; and (vii) Risk classification. (viii) Risk monitoring and reporting.
• Prepare a risk based audit plan and an internal audit program for each
financial year. |
• Building a risk aware culture within the organisation including training and workshop programmes for all stakeholders of the institution |
• Advise the accounting officer andreport to the audit committee on the
implementation of the internal audit plan and matters relating to- |
•Maintaining the proper functioning of the control environment within their area of responsibility. Holding officials accountable for their specific risk management responsibilities. |
• (iv) Risk identification and assessmentmethodology; services the Municipal Manager taken by Kodak |
• (iii) Accounting procedures and practices; | |
• (iv) Risk and Risk Management; | |
• (v) Performance Management; | |
• (v) Performance Management; | |
• (vii) Compliance with MFMA Act, the annual Division of Revenue Act and any other compliance with applicable legislation. | |
• Perform such other duties as may be assigned to it by the accounting officer. | |