March 12th, 2019
Latest News, Press Releases, Water Crisis
12 March 2019
Bottled water deliveries are currently taking place to schools and to the Science Festival (Scifest). The Gift of the Givers (GoG) have already drilled a number of boreholes in various parts of town and they continue to drill.
They have drilled four boreholes at Waainek, two at Rhodes University and one more will be drilled at the university. One has already been drilled at the Settler’s Monument and two at Ntsika Secondary School. They are still expected to drill boreholes to the following areas: four near the Bothas hill reservoir, one at the Cathedral and one at the prison.
Thirty-two,32, Jojo tanks that have been sourced by the GoG have arrived in Makhanda. Once the filtration systems at the Rhodes and Ntsika boreholes are in operation the Jojo tanks will be put up for residents to collect water.
The GoG have sourced two water tankers that will be delivering water regularly and these trucks will be filled up from the boreholes at Rhodes, Monument and Ntsika.
In due course residents will be informed where the rest of the Jojo tanks will be placed as water collection points.
Issued by the Makana Communications Office.
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