Legal Services Unit
Ms Candice April
Manager Legal Services
Tel: 046 603 6169
Fax: 046 622 9700
E-mail :
- Provide Legal Advice and Guidance to the Council, Executive Mayor and Municipal Manager
- Provide Municipality advise on all Labour Matters
- Handle all legal matters arising from Directorates
- Represent Employer at SALGBC and CCM
- Manage all Legal Risk
- Conduct Preliminary investigations
- Monitor and ensure Legal Compliance
- Act as initiator during Disciplinary Tribunals
- Contracts Management
- Ensure Compliance with Labour Laws
- Manage Litigations for and against Municipality
- Compile Statistics and Records of all Labour Matters
- Summons and Notices Of Motion Management
- Ensure sound Labour Relations and peace
- Instruct and Consult with Municipal Attorneys[with approval of MM]
- Provide training on Labour Relations Legislative Framework
- Drafting of By–Laws
- Review Policies to ensure compliance with Labour Laws and other relevant Legislations
- Attend to Bill of Cost
- Strike Management
- Attend to Court Orders
- Provide Dispute Resolution
- Attend to Compliance Orders
- Advise line Managers on application of Labour Laws and Collective Agreements
- Knowledge of Local Government Legislative Framework
- Analyzing trends on misconduct , grievances and disputes
- Knowledge of Rules of the Court
- Identify potential conflict areas and training needs
- Conveyancing
- Constantly keeping abreast with recent case law, publications, Legislations and articles on Employment Law etc.
- General Legal Advise
- Ensure compliance with labour laws and Collective Agreements
- Drafting of contracts
- Interpretation of Contracts
- Interpret and asses Legal Documents
- Legal Research